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A new addition to the Remix PWA collection is @remix-pwa/client, a library dedicated to enhancing in-browser experience.

The list might seem scanty 😉, but the functionalities supported here are those widely supported by browsers. A lot of the features are still in the works by browsers, but we are excited to share what we have so far. This docs format would be breaking down each API based on a collective API (Clipboard API, for example). Without further ado, let's get started.

One more thing to note, almost every API returns a minimum of a Promise object. This is to ensure that the API is asynchronous and doesn't block the main thread and also as a checker (wether things went well or south), the interface can be defined as follows:

type ClientAPI = Promise<ClientResponse>;

// When things do work
interface ClientResponse {
  ok: boolean; // true
  message: string;

// When things go south (or break)
// i.e an error is thrown
interface ClientError {
  ok: boolean; // false
  message: string;

Note, that in some cases (like readTextFromClipboard), it returns additional fields with it (in this case, text is returned with the two fields). And some don't return anything at all.

Clipboard API


This API allows you to copy text to the clipboard. It's a simple API that takes in a string as its only argument.

import { copyTextToClipboard } from '@remix-pwa/client'

copyTextToClipboard('Hello, world!')


This API allows you to copy an image to the clipboard. It takes in an image URL as its only argument.

import { copyImageToClipboard } from '@remix-pwa/client'



This API allows you to read text from the clipboard. It returns a Promise object with the text as its value.

import { readTextFromClipboard } from '@remix-pwa/client'

readTextFromClipboard().then(({ text }) => {

// or await it if you wish
const { text } = await readTextFromClipboard();


This API allows you to read files from the clipboard. It returns a Promise object with the files as its value.

import { readFilesFromClipboard } from '@remix-pwa/client'

readFilesFromClipboard().then(({ files }) => {


This API allows you to check if the clipboard API is supported by the browser. It returns a Promise object with a boolean as its value.

It is typically a feature of every major section, it's a good thing to have on hand when you need to check if the API is supported 👍.

import { clipboardSupported } from '@remix-pwa/client'

const isSupported = await clipboardSupported();

Badge API


This API allows you to set a badge on the browser tab. It takes in a number as it's only argument (number of notifications, in other words).

import { setBadge } from '@remix-pwa/client'



This API allows you to clear the badge on the browser tab.

import { clearBadge } from '@remix-pwa/client'



This API allows you to check if the badging API is supported by the browser. It returns a Promise object with a boolean as its value.

import { badgingSupported } from '@remix-pwa/client'

const isBadgeSupported = await badgingSupported();

Connectivity API


A scanty section, I know. This function is used to check if the user is connected to the internet. If so, it runs a callback function passed by the user, if online, it runs another callback function passed by the user.

const checkConnectivity: (online: () => void, offline: () => void) => Promise<ClientResponse>

A simple example would be:

import { checkConnectivity } from '@remix-pwa/client'

const isOnline = () => console.log('You are online');
const isOffline = () => console.log('You are offline');

checkConnectivity(isOnline, isOffline);

Share API


This API allows you to share data to other apps. It takes in a ShareData object as its only argument. The object is defined as follows:

interface ShareData {
  title?: string;
  text?: string;
  url?: string;
  files?: File[];

An example:

import { shareData } from '@remix-pwa/client'

// share a URL

const data = await shareData({
  title: 'Remix PWA',
  text: 'A PWA library for the modern web',
  url: 'https://remix-pwa.run'

// alternatively, share a file
const fileData = await shareData({
  title: 'Remix PWA',
  text: 'A PWA library for the modern web',
  url: 'https://remix-pwa.run',
  files: [new File(['hello'], 'hello.txt', { type: 'text/plain' })]

// data.ok can be checked here if you need confirmation and then, you can 
// go about your business like before.

By the way, supported, shareable file formats can be viewed here.


This API allows you to check if the share API is supported by the browser. It returns a Promise object with a boolean as its value.

import { shareSupported } from '@remix-pwa/client'

const isShareSupported = await shareSupported();


Can be used interchangeably with shareSupported, but this checks if the browser supports sharing files. It returns a Promise object with a boolean as its value.

import { shareFilesSupported } from '@remix-pwa/client'

const isShareFilesSupported = await shareFilesSupported();

Display API


A function that takes in a callback and returns void. It can be summed up in the following interface:

const displayMode: (callback: (mode: Mode) => void) => void

The DisplayMode type is defined as follows:

type Mode = 'standalone' | 'minimal-ui' | 'fullscreen' | 'broswer-tab';

You can then do something based off of that:

import { displayMode } from '@remix-pwa/client'

displayMode((mode) => {
  if (mode === 'standalone') {
    // do something

Usage APIs


Checks if the page is visible to the user. It returns a Promise object with a ClientResponse as its value.

import { checkVisibility } from '@remix-pwa/client'

checkVisibility().then(({ ok }) => {
  if (ok) {
    // do something

Would be useful, for instances where for example, you want to stop playing an audio when a user navigates away from the tab.

import { checkVisibility } from '@remix-pwa/client'

checkVisibility().then(({ ok }) => {
  if (!ok) {
    // stop playing audio


This API allows you to keep the screen awake. It doesn't take in any argument.

import { wakeLock } from '@remix-pwa/client'

wakeLock(); // keeps your screen 'awake'


This API allows you to check if the wake lock API is supported by the browser. It returns a Promise object with a boolean as its value.

import { wakeLockSupported } from '@remix-pwa/client'

const isWakeLockSupported = await wakeLockSupported();

There are a lot to unpack, and there's more to come (I personally can't wait for QR code support to come natively into the browser 😆), and we definitely be on the watch and update the docs as well as the package when more APIs become mainstream.
