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In case you've missed it, Remix PWA approach to development has been not to be unique. We try to follow the common standards and practices as much as possible.

We also try to build in line with the Remix team's vision. We want to ensure that Remix PWA is not just forward compatible but backwards compatible as well. The result of this would be ease of use and setting the learning curve as low as possible. And who knows, maybe one day Remix would natively add support for somethings we do natively.

Enough talk, in case you want a rundown of the remix config file, you can read about it here.

To add type support to your remix config, remove the JSDoc comment at the top of the file and add the following instead:

/** @type {import('@remix-pwa/dev').WorkerConfig} */
module.exports = {

Congrats! You have enabled type support for your remix config file. Now you can use your IDE's intellisense to help you out with filling out the config file including Remix PWA local configurations. Read on to learn more about the Remix PWA configurations.

Remix PWA Configuration


The path to your entry worker file. Defaults to: <appDir>/entry.worker.ts (notice the ts extension and full path!).

// default - `appDir` is the value of `appDirectory` in your remix config file
exports.entryWorkerFile = '<appDir>/entry.worker.ts';

// custom
exports.entryWorkerFile = './app/worker.ts';


The path to your worker runtime. Defaults to: @remix-pwa/runtime.

// default
exports.worker = '@remix-pwa/runtime';

// custom
exports.worker = 'my-custom-worker-runtime';
// alternatively could be a single file
exports.worker = './app/internal-worker.ts';


Name of the built, bundled worker file. Defaults to: entry.worker (notice that there's no extenstion!). Would end up being a .js file.

// default
exports.workerName = 'entry.worker';

// custom
exports.workerName = 'my-custom-worker';


Wether to minify the worker file or not. Defaults to: false.


The directory to build the worker file in. Defaults to: ./public.


Wether to generate sourcemaps for the worker file or not. Defaults to: false.