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Each route can define a workerLoader that intercepts requests to the loader.

import { json } from "@remix-run/node"; // or cloudflare/deno
import { json as client } from "@remix-pwa/sw";

export const loader = async () => {
  return json({ message: "server" });

export const workerLoader = async (request) => {
  return client({ message: "worker loader"});

export default function Index() {
  return <h1>Index</h1>;


This is a Fetch Request instance. Read up the MDN docs to learn more about it.

The most common use case for this is actually fetching the request, reading cookies, getting URLs or caching a particular route:

export const workerLoader = async ({ request }) => {
  // get the request method
  const method = request.method;

  // read a cookie
  const cookie = request.headers.get("Cookie");

  // parse the search params for `?q=`
  const url = new URL(request.url);
  const query = url.searchParams.get("q");


Remix PWA strips down the request object and removes the _data property (like Remix)

If you want to access the original request, you can use context.event.request instead.


Route params are defined by route file names. If a segment begins with $ like $invoiceId, the value from the URL for that segment will be passed to your fetch handler (just like Remix!).

import type { WorkerLoaderArgs } from "@remix-pwa/sw";

export const workerLoader = async ({ request, params }: WorkerLoaderArgs) => {
  // if the user visits /invoices/123
  // params.invoiceId will be "123"
  const invoiceId = params.invoiceId;


This is the context passed into your fetch handlers via Remix PWA's getLoadContext function. This is a very powerful tool that allows you to pass data around the worker thread. A simple getLoadContext example:

import type { GetLoadContextFunction } from "@remix-pwa/sw";

export const getLoadContext: GetLoadContextFunction = async (event: fetchEvent) => {
  const { request } = event;
  const url = new URL(request.url);
  const query = url.searchParams.get("filter");

  return { filterQuery: query };

And you can utilise this in your loader:

export const workerLoader = async ({ request, context }) => {
  const { filterQuery } = context;

  // do something with filterQuery

You should know!

Remix PWA models its Route APIs after Remix's own. So context, params and request are no much different from how you approach them in actions or loaders.

Returning Responses from workerLoader

You must return a Response object from your workerLoader function. workerLoader functions behave like Remix's loaders and actions in the sense that whenever it is defined, it must return something.

You can use Remix PWA's json helper to return JSON responses:

import { json } from "@remix-pwa/pwa";

// ...

export const workerLoader = async ({ request }) => {
  return json({ message: "worker loader found"});

Throwing Errors from workerLoader

You can throw errors from your workerLoader function. Remember, the client now views workerLoader as the new loader (server), so you can throw errors from it to help with redirecting or triggering ErrorBoundary:

import { redirect } from "@remix-pwa/sw";

export const workerLoader = async ({ request, params }) => {
  const invoiceId = params.invoiceId;

  if (!invoiceId) {
    throw redirect("/invoices");

  // ...

  return null // never forget to return something

Curious about how workerLoader work? Check out the workerAction page for the deep dive.

Read up Remix loader docs for additional info.
