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EnahncedCache was built around the idea of providing a cache wrapper that exhibited behaviour (strategy) but could also do a lot more. Without further ado, let's dive into the features of EnhancedCache.


EnhancedCache is a class that wraps itself around a strategy. Let's go ahead and create an enhanced cache instance.

import { EnhancedCache } from '@remix-pwa/sw';

const cache = new EnhancedCache('my-cache', {
  strategy: 'CacheFirst',
  strategyOptions: {}

Let's explore the constructor signature:

export type StrategyName = 'CacheFirst' | 'CacheOnly' | 'NetworkFirst' | 'StaleWhileRevalidate';

export type StrategySelection<T> = T extends 'NetworkFirst'
  ? NetworkFriendlyOptions
  : T extends 'StaleWhileRevalidate'
    ? SWROptions
    : CacheFriendlyOptions;

type StrategyWithOptions<T extends StrategyName> = {
  strategy: T;
  strategyOptions: StrategySelection<T>;

export type EnhancedCacheOptions = {
  version?: string;
} & (
  | {
      strategy?: never;
      strategyOptions?: never;
  | StrategyWithOptions<'CacheFirst'>
  | StrategyWithOptions<'CacheOnly'>
  | StrategyWithOptions<'NetworkFirst'>
  | StrategyWithOptions<'StaleWhileRevalidate'>

new EnhancedCache(cacheName: string, options: EnhancedCacheOptions)

It takes in two parameters:

  1. cacheName: A string that represents the name of the cache.
  2. options: An object that contains the following properties:
    • version: A string that represents the version of the cache. This allows for versioning of the cache.
    • strategy: A string that represents the strategy to be used. The available strategies are CacheFirst, CacheOnly, NetworkFirst, and StaleWhileRevalidate (the available strategies from sw package).
    • strategyOptions: An object that contains the options for the strategy. The options are different for each strategy. Check out the strategy page for more info.

Currently, EnhancedCache only supports the strategies provided by the sw package. Extending it to custom BaseStrategy sub-classes is underway.


EnhancedCache provides a list of public, protected and static methods. Let's explore them in this section.


EnhancedCache provides a method handleRequest that can be used to handle requests. It is a wrapper around the strategy's own handleRequest method. And takes in a Request or URL or string as its lone parameter.

const response = await cache.handleRequest('https://my-url.com/something');


This method allows you to add a response to the cache. It takes in a Request or URL or string and a Response as its parameters. Like all cache mutation processes in Remix PWA, this one ensures the headers for validation and cleanup are in order before commiting it to the cache.

const response = await fetch('https://example.com/1');

await cache.addToCache('https://example.com/1', response);


The opposite of addToCache, this method allows you to remove a response from the cache. It takes in a Request or URL or string as its lone parameter.

await cache.removeFromCache('https://example.com/1');


This method allows you to match a request against the cache. It takes in a Request or URL or string as its lone parameter. And returns the response from the cache, or undefined if it doesn't exist.

const response = await cache.match('https://example.com/1');


This method allows you to clear the cache. It takes in no parameters and returns a Promise that resolves when the cache is cleared.

await cache.clearCache();


This method allows you to get all the cache entries. It takes in no parameters and returns a Promise that resolves with an array of cache entries (the request and response).

const entries = await cache.getCacheEntries();

// The response has this format:
// [
//   {
//     request: Request,
//     response: Response
//   },
//   ...
// ]


This method allows you to get some helpful information about your cache. It takes in no parameters and returns a Promise that resolves with an object containing the following properties of the following signature:

type CacheStats = {
  length: number;
  totalSize: number;
  cacheDistribution: Record<string, number>;
  cacheHitRatio: number;
  cacheEfficiency: number;
  averageCacheAge: number;
  cacheCompressionRatio: number;


  • length: The total number of items in the cache.
  • totalSize: The total size of items in the cache (in kilobytes).
  • cacheDistribution: The distribution of cache items by content type (in percentages).
  • cacheHitRatio: The hit ratio of the cache. The ratio of cache hits to total requests.
  • cacheEfficiency: The efficiency of the cache. The ratio of cache hits to the total size of the cache (in percentage).
  • averageCacheAge: The average age of items in the cache (in seconds).
  • cacheCompressionRatio: The ratio of the total size of compressed cached resources to the total size of uncompressed cached resources (in percentage).
const stats = await cache.getCacheStats();


This method allows you to pre-cache a list of URLs (cache more than one request at once). It takes in an array of Request or URL or string as its lone parameter.

await cache.preCacheUrls([

Static Methods


This is like the clearCache, but with selective cache removal. It takes in the cache object and a callback function that returns a boolean. The callback function is used to determine which cache entries to remove.

type CacheEntry = { request: Request; response: Response | undefined }

purgeCache(cache: EnhancedCache, callback: (entry: CacheEntry) => boolean): Promise<void>
await EnhancedCache.purgeCache(cache, (entry) => {
  return entry.request.url.includes('old_asset');

This method can be combined with a few other static and non-static methods to provide a powerful cache filtering and removal mechanism.


This method allows you to visualize the cache. It takes in the cache object as its sole parameter and returns a Promise that resolves with a object (of type unknown) containing the visualization of the cache in a tree-like format.

const visualization = await EnhancedCache.visualizeCache(cache);


This method allows you to compress a response. It takes in a Response as its lone parameter and returns a Promise that resolves with a Response that is compressed.

The response returned by this method is a Response with the Content-Encoding header set to gzip and the body compressed.

const response = await fetch('https://example.com/1');

const compressedResponse = await EnhancedCache.compressResponse(response);


This method allows you to decompress a response. It takes in a Response as its lone parameter and returns a Promise that resolves with a Response that is decompressed.


This allows you to persist a cache at any given moment to IndexedDB. It takes in the cache object and the store name as its parameters.

await EnhancedCache.persistCache(cache, 'my-cache-store');

Think of it like a snapshot (of the cache at that moment in time) mechanism.


This allows you to restore a cache from IndexedDB. It takes in the cache object and the store name and an optional restoreTtl (default: false) as its parameters.

The restoreTtl method allows you to restore the cache with the original TTL (time-to-live) header values. If set to false, the cache will be restored with the TTL set to the current time (as if you just cached it).

await EnhancedCache.restoreCache(cache, 'my-cache-store', restoreTtl: true);

Forbidden Methods

This section contains methods that seem exposed but should not be used except you know what you are doing.


This method is used internally by the EnhancedCache class to put a response in the cache. It takes in a Request and a Response as its parameters. The difference between this and addToCache is that this method does not ensure the headers for validation and cleanup are in place. So, utilising this would tend to mess up cache cleanup operations.