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The useBadgeApi hook is a utility hook exported from @remix-pwa/client that allows you to interact with the Web Badging API, allowing you to set notification badges on your app.

The hook exports an object with a few common methods that helps simplify the interaction with the Badging API.


The badgeCount value is a number that represents the current badge count on the app. Can be used easily determine parameters like maximum badge count, or to keep track of the count as the hook does not track the count internally.


The setBadgeCount method is a function that allows you to set the badge count on the app. It takes a single argument, which is the new badge count you want to set.

import { useBadgeApi } from '@remix-pwa/client';

function MyComponent() {
  const { badgeCount, setBadgeCount } = useBadgeApi();

  return (
      <button onClick={() => setBadgeCount(badgeCount + 1)}>Increment Badge Count</button>
      <button onClick={() => setBadgeCount(0)}>Clear Badge Count</button>


Looking at the past example, that wasn't too pretty. The increment allows you to increment the badge count by a specified or one, if no argument is provided.

import { useBadgeApi } from '@remix-pwa/client';

function MyComponent() {
  const { increment } = useBadgeApi();

  return (
      <button onClick={() => increment()}>Increment badge count by 1</button>
      <button onClick={() => increment(7)}>Increment badge count by 7</button>


Literally the opposite of increment, the decrement method allows you to decrement the badge count by a specified or one by default.


This method allows you to clear the badge count on the app. Rsetting it back to zero.


The badging API isn't just for numbers, sometimes you want to show a simple dot to indicate that there are notifications. The showNotificationDot method allows you to show a notification dot on the app.

Note that it doesn't reset the badge count.