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The usePush hook is built on the browser's Push API to provide the necessary utilities for handling push notifications in your PWA client. Present in the @remix-pwa/push package, the hook has the following type signature:

usePush: () => {
  isSubscribed: boolean;
  pushSubscription: PushSubscription | null;
  requestPermission: () => NotificationPermission;
  subscribeToPush: (
    publicKey: string,
    callback?: (subscription: PushSubscription) => void,
    errorCallback?: (error: any) => void
  ) => void;
  unsubscribeFromPush: (callback?: () => void, errorCallback?: (error: any) => void) => void;
  canSendPush: boolean;

You should know!

The hook can be imported via @remix-pwa/push or @remix-pwa/push/hook (for better tree-shaking)


The isSubscribed property is a boolean to indicate wether the user is subscribed to push notifications or not.


The pushSubscription property is a PushSubscription object that holds the subscription details of the user. It could be null if the user isn't subscribed to push notifications.


The canSendPush property is a boolean to indicate if the browser supports push notifications, and wether the user has allowed for notifications to be sent.

The difference between this and isSubscribed is that isSubscribed only checks if the user is subscribed to push notifications, while canSendPush checks if you are even allowed to send notifications in the first place.


The requestPermission function is used to request permission from the user to send push notifications. It returns a NotificationPermission string value. Could be one of the following:

  • granted: The user has explicitly granted permission for the current origin to display system notifications.
  • denied: The user has explicitly denied permission for the current origin to display system notifications.
  • default: The user decision is unknown; in this case the application will act as if permission was denied.

Works in tandem with canSendPush, the values would be updated as the user interacts with the PWA.


The subscribeToPush function is used to subscribe the user to push notifications. It takes in the publicKey of the VAPID key pair, and an optional callback and errorCallback function.

The callback passed in here is invoked when the user is successfully subscribed to push notifications, and the errorCallback is called when there's an error subscribing the user. You can use it to perform further checks, logging, updates or ping the server.

import { usePush } from '@remix-pwa/push'

// in the component

const { subscribeToPush } = usePush()

const publicKey = 'your-public-key'

subscribeToPush(publicKey, (subscription) => {
  logger.log('User subscribed to push notifications!', subscription)
  fetch('/api/subscribe', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    body: JSON.stringify(subscription)
}, (error) => {
  logger.error('Error subscribing user to push notifications!', error)


The unsubscribeFromPush function is used to unsubscribe the user from push notifications. It takes in an optional callback and errorCallback function.

The callback is invoked when the user is successfully unsubscribed from push notifications, and the errorCallback is called when there's an error unsubscribing the user.

import { usePush } from '@remix-pwa/push'

// in the component

const { unsubscribeFromPush } = usePush()

unsubscribeFromPush(() => {
  logger.log('User unsubscribed from push notifications!')
  fetch('/api/unsubscribe', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    body: JSON.stringify({ subscription: pushSubscription })
}, (error) => {
  logger.error('Error unsubscribing user from push notifications!', error)

The usePush (client) hook is just one side of the coin. The flipside, server, is a more sophisticated topic covered, alongside others, in the Push API doc