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Remix PWA uses Vite to compile and bundle your service workers. The process isn't linear, so you are able to customize the process by utilising the configuration options exposed by the remixPWA plugin.

Remix PWA Vite Plugin Config

import { vitePlugin as remix } from "@remix-run/dev";
import { remixPWA } from "@remix-pwa/dev";
import { defineConfig } from "vite";

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
    remix(), // remix plugin is important!
      workerBuildDirectory: "out",
      scope: '/pwa',
      // rest of your configurations here

The configuration is an object of type PWAViteOptions.


The registerSW option of type: "script" | null is used to set wether to automatically register the service worker or not via plugin injection. Recommended.

By default, the service worker is registered automatically.


The workerBuildDirectory option of type: string is used to set the directory where the service worker is built to. Default: public in dev and build/client in production. Note the lack of leading or trailing slashes.

buildVariables 🆕

The buildVariables option of type: Record<string, string> is used to inject build variables into the service worker. Do note that these variables are visible in the browser, so don't inject private keys!

// vite.config.ts
export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      buildVariables: {
        'process.env.API_URL': 'https://api.example.com',
        'myVar': 'myValue',

// entry.worker.ts
console.log(process.env.API_URL); // https://api.example.com
console.log(myVar); // myValue


The scope of the service worker within your application, this is used by the internal registration injection to set the scope of the service worker. Default: /.


The user entry worker file, relative to the app directory. Default: entry.worker.ts.

Be keeping note of the lack of slashes in many.


The workerMinify option of type: boolean is used to set wether to minify the service worker post-bundling or not. Default: false.


The workerName option of type: string is used to set the name of the service worker file, without extensions. No extensions should be passed in (js, mjs, etc.). Default: entry.worker.


An array of route string patterns to ignore when generating the service worker. Note, this would mean that any worker route modules in those routes would not be included in the final build output. Default: [].

The ignoredSWRouteFiles now understands string globs/patterns. For example, to ignore all routes that start with /admin, you can use ['admin/**']. This ignores routes starting with admin and all its children. You can also ignore routes based on middle patterns or routes ending with a pattern.

  'admin/**', // ignore all routes starting with admin
  '*/admin', // ignore all routes ending with admin
  '**/admin/**', // ignore all routes containing admin within (not at the start or end)
  '*', // ignore all routes 
  'admin/dashboard/**' // can also ignore based on two or more route segments

One asterik (*) or two, it doesn't matter. Both work.


The workerSourceMap option of type: boolean is used to set wether to generate source maps for the service worker or not. Default: false.


This is used to set the entry point of the service worker (also known as runtime in Remix PWA). Default: @remix-pwa/worker-runtime.

To create your own runtime, check out the runtime guide.