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First things first, we are humans. That means errors would occur and problems would arise. Smart people put this in mind when building anything and plan ahead for it. In programming it's called Error Handling. In Remix PWA, it's called errorHandler.

The errorHandler function is a function that's exported from your service worker, it's called whenever an error occurs somewhere along the request-and-respond pipeline (when fetching the request, when caching the response, when responding to the request, etc).

Error Handling

Currently, the errorhandler is a simple function that takes in the error and returns void (it can return something but it would be unused). The error is of type Error and it's the error that occurred. You can use this to log the error, send it to a third party service, or do whatever you want with it.

export function errorHandler(error: Error) {

You should know!

This is a very simple error handler, but it's enough for most cases. We are planning to add more features to it in the future.

If you have any idea or proposal for this, feel free to mention it on Remix's Discord server.