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Remix PWA v3.0 is a major, breaking release with a brand new compiler and CLI engine complete with new features, packages and new aarchitecture. This guide will help you upgrade your Remix app to v3.0.

To learn more about what's new in Remix PWA v3.0, check out the release notes.

Install new packages

At the core of this upgrade is @remix-pwa/dev which houses the compiler and CLI engine. Install this alongside a few other packages:

npm install @remix-pwa/dev @remix-pwa/cache

@remix-pwa/cache is a must if you intend to use @remix-pwa/sw. This package is a thin wrapper around the browser's Cache API that supercharges it with a few extra features like cache expiration and cache versioning.

Alternatively, you can use the new CLI to do all the installation for you!

npx remix-pwa@latest packages

Update your scripts

Update your package.json worker scripts to use the new compiler:

  "scripts": {
    "dev:worker": "remix-pwa dev",
    "build:worker": "remix-pwa build",

That's all. This would automatically build your worker when needed, don't worry, we handled this one tight!

Add Worker HMR support to your app

There are a few new thing in town and they're called workerLoader and workerAction. I can't wait to introduce them to you but not here, not now. For now, let's just add support for them in your app so you don't end up chasing me with a pitchfork when things don't go as planned. We do this by replacing Remix's LiveReload with our LiveReload component.

import { LiveReload } from '@remix-pwa/sw'

export default function App() {
  return (
    <html lang="en">
      {/* ... */}
        {/* ... */}
        <LiveReload />

Purge your Service Worker file

A lot of APIs from @remix-pwa/sw v1.x.x have been deprecated and removed. This means that you need to purge your Service Worker file completely, I would recommend removing everything except the install and activate event.

If you also have the pwa client utlility file, delete that and install @remix-pwa/client instead.

That's it! You can now continue along with this guide to learn more about using Remix PWA v3.0 to its fullest.